Saturday, May 31, 2008

Latest Books

Loved The Secret Life of Bees. Very well-written, and an engaging story.

Loved Crazy Time ... although I'm hoping her projection of a post-divorce two years of 'crazy time' is an average and not a standard. There's no way I want to be on this damn emotional roller coaster for two years!

Loved Ten Big Ones ... the whole Stephanie Plum series is just fun, fast reading that leaves me hooked and wanting more.

Guilty Pleasures was my first Laurell Hamilton book, but not my last. The notes on the back cover described it as an 'R-rated Buffy the Vampire Slayer', and I'd agree. Well-written, entertaining and engrossing.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Carl Hiassen's "Tourist Season"

It's kind of the thinking woman's Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum book - a humorous crime novel. Where Evanovich's work is well-written but still a kind of fluffy light read, Hiassen is a bit more cerebral. I don't laugh out loud as often as I do when I'm reading a Stephanie Plum mystery, nor have I been able to tear through the book as quickly, but I'll definitely be reading more of his work.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Two more down

Janet Evanovich is always good for a fast, fun read. I've gotten through Seven Up and Hard Eight in the past two days. I love her writing - it's laugh-out-loud funny at times, and the storylines hook you immediately and keep you interested and entertained.

I figured this was the perfect series to get me back on the reading kick, instead of the wallowing-in-self-pity stuff I've been doing of late.